Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014
Udon Noodles with Stir Fry Veggies and Prawns
- 1 package of Udon Noodles
- 300g prawns
- 2 eggs
- soy sauce

for the marinade:
- 300g prawns
- 3 tbsp light soy sauce
- 2 tbsp rice vinegar or sherry
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp sesame oil
- 3 tbsp corn flour

- 6-7 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 4 tbsp ginger, finely chopped
- 2 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
- 5 spring onions, chopped
- 200 - 300 ml broth

- 300g shitake mushrooms
- on pack of mixed wok veggies (or peppers, cabbage, bean sprouts or any other veggies

- vegetable oil

- mix all the ingredients of the marinade together and marinate the prawns

- mix the eggs with some soy sauce and make an omelette, cut into little pieces

- cook Udon noodles according to directions (about 5 minutes)

- in a wok heat oil and fry half of the garlic, ginger, spring onions, chillies for about 1 min
- add prawn and marinade and cook for two minutes
- remove prawns from wok, keep warm
- add broth and reduce on high heat for about 5 minutes
- put prawns back into wok and cook another 2 - 3 minutes

- in another pan heat oil and fry remaining garlic, ginger and chili
- add shitake and other veggies (according to cooking time) and cook for a few minutes
- add omelette pieces and season with soy sauce and sesame oil

- put udon noodles onto plates
- add veggies on top of noodles and prawns on top of veggies
- sprinkle some spring onions on top

- serve with gyoza sauce according to taste

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Sonntag, 9. März 2014
Fried Fish with Rice Noodles, Chilli, Lemongrass & fresh Herbs (Spice Odyssey Cookbook)
- 600 ml vegetable oil
- 4 bream fillets, each cut into 5 - 6 pieces across
the fillet
- handful of plain flour
- 300g straight-to-wok or precooked rice noodles
- 4 medium tomatoes, cut into 8 wedges
- 4 spring onions, thinly sliced on an angle
- 1/2 medium cucumber, halve lengthways,
deseeded and thinly sliced
- 1 banana shallot, thinly sliced into rings
- 2 little gem lettuces, cut into 8 wedges
- 3 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh coriander
- 2 tablespoons roughly chopped basil
- 10 mint leaves, roughly chopped

- 1/2 lemongrass stalk, very thinly sliced into
- 10g (or more) fresh ginger, peeled and grated
- 3 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
- 1 - 2 red bird's eye chillies, roughly chopped,
seeds and all
- 1 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce
- juice of 2 limes
- 1 tablespoon caster sugar

1) Firstly, make the dressing. Grind and pound lemongrass, ginger, garlic and chillies in a pestle and mortar until they form a coarse paste. Add fish sauce, lime juice, sugar and stir well. Have a taste and redress if you feel the need.

2) Heat oil in pan until it's about 175 degrees C. Toss pieces of fish in flour and shake of excess. Lower fish into pan using slotted spoon, allow to cook for 3 - 4 minutes until it's a little crusty and pale golden on outside. Lay on kitchen paper.

3) Mix hot fish with remaining ingredients and serve as quickly as possible: place noodles in large serving bowl. Add tomatoes, spring onion, cucumber, shallot, lettuce, coriander, basil and mint. Place fish on top. Pour half the dressing and very gently turn everything over to mix. Do not break up fish !

4) Serve in bowls with remaining dressing for people to add as they wish.

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Samstag, 1. Februar 2014
Stir Fried Pak Choi in Garlic, Ginger & Chillies (Internet)
(Serves 2)
- 250gm Baby Pak Choi, separate stalks and leaves
- 3 cloves garlic, finely sliced into strips
- 1 small piece of ginger, finely sliced into strips
- 2-3 fresh red chillies, finely sliced
- 200ml vegetable stock
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 4 tbsp olive oil

1) In a small bowl, pour in the sesame oil, soya sauce, lemon juice, salt, sugar, stir and leave a side.

2) Heat the olive oil on a high heat in a wok or deep frying pan.

3) Once hot, throw in the garlic, ginger, chillies and stir fry for a minute.

4) Add the stalks of the pak choi and stir fry for 2 minutes.

5) Add the leaves and stir fry for a further 2 minutes.

6) Pour in the vegetable stock and soya sauce mixture, stir and allow to simmer for 2-3 minutes, before serving.

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Samstag, 11. Januar 2014
Braised Whole Fish in Chilli and Garlic Sauce
1 carp, bream, sea bass, trout, grouper, or grey mullet, weighting about 675g/11/2lb, gutted
15ml light soy sauce
15ml Chinese rice vinegar or dry sherry
veg oil for deep frying
2 gloves garlic, finely chopped
2-3 spring onions, finely chopped with the white and green parts separted
1 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger
2 tbsp chilli bean sauce
2 tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp light brown sugar
1 tbsp rice vinegar
120 ml vegetable stock
1 tbsp cornflour pase
sesame oil

1. Rinse and dry the fish well. Using a sharp knife, score both sides of the fish down to the bone with diagonal cuts about 2.5 cm apart. Rub both sidew of the fish with the soy sauce and rice vinegar or sherry. Set aside for 10 - 15 min to marinate.
2. Heat sufficient oil for deep frying in a wok. When it is hot, add the fish and fry for 3 - 4 min on both sides, until golden brown.
3. To make the sauce, pour away all but about 16ml of the oil.
Push the fish to one side of the wok and add the garlic. white part of the spring onions, the ginger, chilli bean sauce, tomato puree, sugar, vinegar and stock. Bring to the boil and braise the fish in the sauce for 4 - 5 min, turning it over once.
Add the green of the spring onion, stir in the cornflour paste to thicken the sauce. Sprinkle over a little sesame oil and serve.

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Dienstag, 1. Januar 2013
"Trockener" Curry
ca. 3 cm Ingwer in Stiften
3 Zehen Knoblauch in Scheiben
1 chili, entkernt, in Ringen
1 rote Zwiebel, in Ringen
1 Zwiebel, gewuerfelt
reichlich Sojasosse, gemischt mit Sambal Oelek
Tofustreifen (1 Packung)
2 geh. Essloeffel Panang Curry Paste
1 Dose Kokosmilch
Gemuese: Pilze, Paprika, Bohnen, Fruehlingszwiebeln
Saft von ca. 1 Limette
Basilkum mit Chili / Knoblauch aus Glas

1) Ingwer, Knoblauch, Chili und Zwiebeln in Oel anbraten.
2) Tofustreifen mit anbraten
3) Sojasosse / Sambal dazu, braten
4) In der Mitte der Pfanne CurryPaste anbraten
5) Kokosmilch dazu, Wasser dazu
6) Gemuese nach Geschmack je nach Kochzeit dazu.
7) Limettensaft nach Geschmack + Basilikum mit Chili / Knoblauch
8) mit Reis oder Baguette servieren

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Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012
Kung Pao Chicken
2 teaspoons soy sauce
2 teaspoons Shaoxing (rice wine) or dry sherry
1 teaspoon corn starch
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 pound chicken breast, cut into bite sized pieces
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 teaspoon dark soy sauce
1 tablespoon Chinkiang (Chinese black vinegar) or balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons chicken broth or water
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
3 tablespoons oil
10 dried red chilies
1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon Sichuan peppercorns, toasted*
1 tablespoon garlic, grated
1 tablespoon ginger, grated
1 red onion, diced
2 red peppers, in bite-size pieces
Shitake mushrooms, in bite-size pieces
4 green onions, sliced
1/4 cup peanuts
1 teaspoon sesame oil


1. Mix the soy sauce, Shaoxing, corn starch, and sesame oil and marinate the chicken in it for at least 20 minutes (I used more soy sauce, shoaxing and starch).

2. Mix the soy sauces, Chinkiang, broth, sugar and corn starch and set aside (again, I used more).

3. Heat one tablespoon of the oil in a pan over medium-high heat, add the chicken and saute until just about cooked and set aside.

4. Heat the remaining oil in a pan over medium-high heat, add the chilies and peppercorns and saute until fragrant, about a minute.

5. Add the garlic and ginger and red onion and saute until fragrant, about a minute.

6. Add red pepper and shitake mushrooms, saute

7. Add the sauce mixture, bring to a boil, add the chicken, green onions and peanuts, remove from heat and stir in the sesame oil.

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Montag, 14. Mai 2012
Indische Auberginen
2 (ca. 600g) Auberginen
5 EL Pflanzenoel
3-4 (ca. 500g) Zwiebeln, geschaelt und fein gehackt
1 EL frischer Ingwer, geputzt und gerieben
4 Tomaten, fein gehackt
1/2 TL Kurkumapulver
1/2 TL Chilipulver
1 TL Salz
1/2 TL Korianderpulver
1/2 TL Garam Marsala
2 EL frische Korianderblaetter, fein gehackt
2 cm frischer Ingwer, geputzt, in Streifen geschnitten

1. Backofen auf 180 Grad vorheizen, Auberginen in Alufolie wickeln, auf Backblech ca 70 min backen, bis sie weich sind.
2. Herausnehmen, Alufolie oeffnen, abkuehlen lassen. Dann schaelen, Inneres fein hacken
3. Oel in Pfanne erhitzen, Zwiebel goldbraun anbraten. Ingwer zufuegen, 1/2 min braten.
4. Tomaten zugeben, zugedeckt auf mittlerer Hitze ca. 5 min koecheln lassen.
6. Auberginen, Kurkuma, Chilipulver, Salz hinzufuegen, umruehren, zugedeckt bei kleiner Hitze 10 - 15 min koecheln lassen.
7. Korianderpulver und Garam Marsala einruehren, mit Korinaderblaettern und Ingwer garnieren, heiss servieren.

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Montag, 2. April 2012
Thail. Rindfleisch mit grünen Bohnen - achtung, scharf! (von Oona)
- Pad (kurz gebraten) Phet (phet heisst scharf!) Tua (Bohnen) Nüa (Rind)

400 gr Rindfleisch aus der Hüfte
2 EL helle Sojasosse
ca 0,5 TL schwarzer Pfeffer, frisch gemahlen
5 EL getrocknete shimps (das sind die Minis, gibts im Thailaden, kann man auch weglassen)
300 gr Schlangenbohnen, grüne Bohnen gehen auch
5 Kaffir-Zitronenblätter
2 EL rote Currypaste
2 EL Fischsosse
3 EL Zucker

Rindfleisch kalt abwaschen & trockentupfen - von Sehnen befreien & quer zur Faser in ca 4 cm lange und 1 cm breite Streifen schneiden (wie beim Geschnetzeltem), mit Sojasosse und Pfeffer mischen und ne viertel Stund marinieren. Shrips derweil im Mörser gaaanz fein klopfen.

Grossen Topf mit 1 l wasser kochen lassen, derweil die Bohnen putzen, in ca 4 cm lange Stückles schneiden, waschen. Zitropnenblätter wieder aufrollern und in feine Streifen schneiden. Bohnen blanchieren, dann in Sieb giessen und kalt abspülen.

Öl inner Pfanne volle Kanne erhitzen, Rindfleischstreifen fett anbraten, dann runterschalten, rote Currypaste, Shrimps, Bohnen, Fischsosse und Zucker reintun und ca 5 mins durchbraten, dabei immer durchrühren. Das Ganze dann anrichten und die Zitronenblätterstreifen drüber streuen

Variation: geht au mit Schwein und Hühnerbrustfilets.

Anmerkung: Rind - Nüa, Schwein - Mùh, Huhn- Gai

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Sonntag, 1. April 2012
500g ground pork
1 (big) red onion, thinly sliced
5 limes, juice
4 red bird eye chilies, thinly sliced
3 spring onions, sliced
about 5 tbsp fish sauce
1 - 2 tbsp roasted rice powder *

1) Squeeze some lime juice on to the ground pork. Mix well and marinate for a couple of minutes.

2) Heat up a pan on high until very hot. Add two tablespoons of water and then immediately add your marinated pork and stir. Keep stirring until the pork is well done.

3) Put the pork in a bowl that will hold all the ingredients. Add fish sauce, spring onion, cilantro, mint, the rest of the lime juice, chilis and toasted rice. Mix well and taste. It should be a little bit hot.

4) Serve with vegetables like cabbage, green beans, lettuce and Thai basil.

* To make roasted rice powder heat a skillet over medium heat and add a handful of Thai glutinous / sticky rice (NOT normal long grain rice) Cook rice until golden brown, for five to 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Transfer to a plate and once it's cool transfer it to a spice grinder / blender and grind to a fine powder.

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Montag, 27. Februar 2012
Thai Chili Fish Sauce (Internet)
6 tablespoons Thai fish sauce
5 tablespoons scallions, spring or green onions thinly sliced
3 tablespoons lime juice or lemon juice, fresh
3 tablespoons cilantro finely chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons serrano chiles minced or dried roasted red pepper
1/2 teaspoon garlic minced

1. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.
2. Will keep in refrigerator for 3 days or even longer.

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