Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015
Tomato Fried Rice with Soya Chunks
- 1 egg
- 1 can mushrooms, sliced
- a handful of soya chunks, soaked in water / soy sauce, drained
- 1 bowl of cooked rice
- 1 onion, diced (or use half white, half red onion)
- 2 cm ginger, diced (leave some slightly bigger
- red curry paste
- soysauce
- tomato paste

(1) Mix egg with soy sauce and fry in a small pan, making a thin omelette. Let cool and cut into pieces.
(2) Fry mushrooms in oil until slightly browned, remove from pan.
(3) Fry curry paste in oil together with onions and ginger.
(4) Add soy chunks, fry for a few minutes.
(5) Add rice and fry.
(6) Add mushrooms, keep frying.
(7) Season with soy sauce and tomato paste.

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